Japanese Sentence Patterns

  1. 【JLPT N1★が早いか (ga hayai ka): as soon as】

    Meaning: as soon asFormation:Verb-dictionary form + が早いか日本語 …

  2. 【JLPT N1★がてら (gatera): on the same occasion】

    Meaning: on the same occasion; at the same time; coincidentallyFormation:V…

  3. 【JLPT N1★ふと (futo): accidentally, unexpectedly】

    Meaning: suddenly; accidentally; unexpectedly; unintentionallyFormation:ふと…

  4. 【JLPT N1★どうにも~ない (dou nimo~nai): not … by any mean…

    Meaning: not … by any means; no matter how hard one tries, cannot…Formation:…

  5. 【JLPT N1★ではすまない (dewa sumanai): it doesn’t end wit…

    Meaning: have no choice, it doesn’t end with just…,must be doneFormation:Noun…

  6. 【JLPT N1★ではあるまいし (dewa aru mai shi): it’s not like…

    Meaning: it’s not like; it isn’t as ifFormation:Verb-dictionary form + のでは…

  7. 【JLPT N1★ではあるまいか (dewa aru mai ka): I wonder if it…

    Meaning: I wonder if it’s not…(Other expression のではないだろうか/ のではないでしょうか)Form…

  8. 【JLPT N1★(で)すら (de sura): even】

    Meaning: evenFormation:Noun + すら/ですら日本語 / にほんご / Japanese(…

  9. 【JLPT N1★でなくてなんだろう (denakute nan darou): must be, …

    Meaning: must be; is definitely,"If it is not ~,then what it is/ what can it be?…

  10. 【JLPT N1★でも何でもない (demo nan demo nai): not in the l…

    Meaning: not in the leastFormation:Noun/なadj + でも何でもない日本語 / …

  11. 【JLPT N1★であれ/であろうと (de aru/de arou to): whoever/wh…

    Meaning: whoever/whatever/however; evenFormation:Noun + であれ/であろうと&nbsp…

  12. 【JLPT N1★であれ~であれ (de are~de are): whether A or B】 …

    Meaning: whether A or BFormation:Noun/なadj + であれ + Noun/なadj + であれNoun/な…

  13. 【JLPT N1★だの~だの (dano~dano): and, and so forth】 

    Meaning: and; and the like; and so forthFormation:Verb-casual + だの + Verb-…

  14. 【JLPT N1★だに (dani): even】 

    Meaning: evenFormation:Verb-dictionary form + だにNoun + だに日…

  15. 【JLPT N1★ぶる (buru): behaving like】 

    Meaning: assuming the air of…; behaving like…Formation:Noun/なadjective + ぶ…

  16. 【JLPT N1★ぶり (buri): style, manner】 

    Meaning: style; mannerFormation:Verb-ますstem + ぶり/っぶり/っぷりNoun + ぶり日本語 / にほん…

  17. 【JLPT N1★びる (biru): seeming to be】 

    Meaning: seeming to be; behaving asFormation:Noun/いadj(-い) + びる/びてNoun/い…

  18. 【JLPT N1★べくもない (beku mo nai): can’t】 

    Meaning: can’t; cannot possibly beFormation:Verb-dictionary form + べくもない…

  19. 【JLPT N1★べく (beku): in order to, should】 

    Meaning: in order to; for the purpose ofFormation:Verb-dictionary form + べ…

  20. 【JLPT N1★べからず (bekarazu): must not, should not】 

    Meaning: must not; should not; do notFormation:Verb-dictionary form + べからず…

  1. Japanese Sentence Patterns

    【JLPT N2★かと思ったら / かと思うと (ka to omottara/…
  2. Noboru's English sentences Patterns

    It seems like~ 
  3. Japanese Sentence Patterns

    【Question★誰が(dare ga)”who”】
  4. Japanese Sentence Patterns

    Japanese Sentence Pattern Training Book …
  5. Japanese Sentence Patterns

    【JLPT N1★きっての (kitte no): the most … of …