Japanese Sentence Patterns

  1. 【JLPT N2★たまえ (tamae): [order somebody to do someth…

    Meaning: do (order somebody to do something)You used たまえ to order somebody t…

  2. 【JLPT N2★た結果 / の結果 (ta kekka/no kekka): as a resul…

    Meaning: as a result of; afterFormation:Verb-casual, past + 結果Noun + の結果…

  3. 【JLPT N2★直ちに (tadachi ni): at once, immediately】

    Meaning: at once; immediatelyFormation:直ちに + phrase日本語 / にほんご / Jap…

  4. 【JLPT N2★たあげく (ta ageku): to end up, finally】 

    Meaning: to end up; in the end; finally; after allFormation:Verb-casual, p…

  5. 【JLPT N2★すなわち (sunawachi): in other words】 

    Meaning: in other words; namelyFormation:すなわち + phrase日本語 / にほんご / Japanese…

  6. 【JLPT N2★少しも~ない (sukoshi mo~nai): not one bit, not…

    Meaning: not one bit; not even a littleFormation:少しも + Verb-ないform少しも + Noun…

  7. 【JLPT N2★そうすると (sou suru to): having done that】 

    Meaning: having done that; if that is done; if it is done in that wayFormation…

  8. 【JLPT N2★そうにない (sou ni nai): extremely unlikely to…

    Meaning: extremely unlikely toFormation:Verb-stem + そうにない日本語 / にほんご / Japan…

  9. 【JLPT N2★そういえば (sou ieba): come to think of it】 

    Meaning: come to think of it…; now that you mention it…Formation:そういえば + p…

  10. 【JLPT N2★それとも (sore tomo): or, or else】 

    Meaning: or; or elseFormation:それとも + phrase日本語 / にほんご / Japa…

  11. 【JLPT N2★それにしても (sore ni shite mo): nevertheless, …

    Meaning: nevertheless; at any rate; even so; be that as it mayFormation:Ph…

  12. 【JLPT N2★それなら (sore nara): then, if that’s the cas…

    Meaning: if that’s the case; if soFormation:それなら + phrase日本語…

  13. 【JLPT N2★それなのに (sore na noni): and yet, despite th…

    Meaning: and yet; despite this; but even soFormation:それなのに + phrase日本語 / にほ…

  14. 【JLPT N2★その上 (sono ue): besides, in addition, furt…

    Meaning: besides; in addition; furthermoreFormation:その上 + phrase…

  15. 【JLPT N2★したがって (shitagatte): therefore, accordingl…

    Meaning: therefore; consequently; accordinglyFormation:したがって + phrase&…

  16. 【JLPT N2★しかも (shikamo): moreover, furthermore】 

    Meaning: moreover; furthermore; and yet; what’s moreFormation:Phrase 1 + しかも …

  17. 【JLPT N2★次第だ/ 次第で (shidai da/shidai de): depending…

    Meaning: depending on; soFormation:Noun + 次第だ/次第で/次第では日本語 / …

  18. 【JLPT N2★せめて (semete): at least, at most】 

    Meaning: at least; at mostFormation:せめて + phrase日本語 / にほんご /…

  19. 【JLPT N2★せいぜい (seizei): at the most, at best】 

    Meaning: at the most; at best; to the utmost日本語 / にほんご / Japanese…

  20. 【JLPT N2★さらに (sara ni): furthermore, again, more a…

    Meaning: furthermore; again; more and moreFormation:さらに + phrase…

  1. Japanese Sentence Patterns

    【JLPT N4★たがる (tagaru): to want to】 
  2. Japanese Sentence Patterns

    【JLPT N1★なるべく (narubeku): as much as pos…
  3. JLPT N5

    【JLPT N5★verb negative ~ない(nai)】
  4. Japanese Sentence Patterns

    【JLPT N2★てはならない (tewa naranai): must not…
  5. Japanese Sentence Patterns

    【JLPT N1★に即して (ni sokushite): in keeping…