Learn the basics

  1. Let’s learn Hiragana ひらがな

    Hiragana list to rememberHiragana list to checkHiragana Mnemonicshttp://…

  2. Let’s learn katakanaカタカナ

    The most common use of katakana is to transcribe foreign words (non-Japanese wor…

  1. Japanese Sentence Patterns

    【JLPT N2★反面 (hanmen): on the other hand】…
  2. Noboru's Journal

    Sales Documents
  3. Japanese Sentence Patterns

    【JLPT N2★それなら (sore nara): then, if that…
  4. Japanese Sentence Patterns

    【JLPT N4★V+ておく(teoku) “to prepare …
  5. Noboru's Journal

    My Routine in Beverages