Japanese Sentence Patterns

  1. 【JLPT N2★幸い (saiwai): luckily, fortunately】 

    Meaning: luckily; fortunatelyFormation:幸い/幸いなことに + phrase日本語…

  2. 【JLPT N2★際に (sai ni): at the time, in case of】

    Meaning: at the time; in case ofFormation:Verb-dictionary form + 際に/際は/際にはVe…

  3. 【JLPT N2★ろくに~ない (roku ni~nai): not doing something…

    Meaning: not doing something properlyFormation:ろくに + Verb-ないform…

  4. 【JLPT N2★恐れがある (osore ga aru): there are fears tha…

    Meaning: it is feared that; to be in danger of; to be liable toFormation:V…

  5. 【JLPT N2★おそらく (osoraku): perhaps, likely, probably…

    Meaning: perhaps; likely; probably; I dare sayFormation:おそらく + phrase&…

  6. 【JLPT N2★おまけに (omake ni): to make matter worse】 

    Meaning: to make matters worse; besides; in additionFormation:Phrase + おまけ…

  7. 【JLPT N2★を通じて/ を通して (o tsuujite/o tooshite): via, …

    Meaning: through; via; throughoutFormation:Noun + を通じて/を通して日…

  8. 【JLPT N2★を問わず (o towazu): regardless of】 

    Meaning: regardless ofFormation:Noun + を問わず日本語 / にほんご / Japa…

  9. 【JLPT N2★を除いて (o nozoite): except, with the except…

    Meaning: except; with the exception of; excludingFormation:Noun + を除いて(は)/…

  10. 【JLPT N2★をもとに (o moto ni): based on, from】 

    Meaning: based on; fromFormation:Noun + をもとに/をもとにして日本語 / にほんご / Japanese(1…

  11. 【JLPT N2★をめぐって (o megutte): concerning, in regard …

    Meaning: concerning; in regard toFormation:Noun + をめぐって/をめぐる…

  12. 【JLPT N2★を契機に (o keiki ni): as a good opportunity …

    Meaning: as a good opportunity to; as a result ofFormation:Noun + を契機に/を契機…

  13. 【JLPT N2★をきっかけに (o kikkake ni): with… as a start, …

    Meaning: with… as a start; as a result of; taking advantage of,as a start; inspi…

  14. 【JLPT N2★をこめて (o komete): with,filled with】 

    Meaning: with,filled withFormation:Noun + を込めて日本語 / にほんご / Japanese…

  15. 【JLPT N2★を中心に (o chuushin ni): focused on, centere…

    Meaning: focused on; centered onFormation:Noun + を中心に/を中心として/を中心とした&nb…

  16. 【JLPT N2★を~として (o~to shite): as】 

    Meaning: asFormation:Noun + を + Noun + とする/として日本語 / にほんご / J…

  17. 【JLPT N2★お~願う (o~negau): could you please】 

    Meaning: please do; could you please…; I ask of you toFormation:お/ご + Verb…

  18. 【JLPT N2★抜く (nuku): to do something to the end】 

    Meaning: to do something to the end; completely, extremelyFormation:Verb-ま…

  19. 【JLPT N2★抜きで/抜きにして (nuki de/nuki ni shite): leavin…

    Meaning: without; leaving out; cutting out; dispensing withFormation:Noun …

  20. 【JLPT N2★のみならず (nominarazu): not only, besides, as…

    Meaning: not only; besides; as wellFormation:Verb-dictionary form + のみならず…

  1. Japanese Sentence Patterns

    【JLPT N1★に照らして (ni terashite): in compar…
  2. Noboru's English sentences Patterns

    can afford to ~
  3. Japanese Sentence Patterns

    【JLPT N1★ともなく (tomonaku): to do somethin…
  4. Noboru's Journal

    An Interesting Subject
  5. Japanese Sentence Patterns

    【Question★誰に(dare ni)”who(to), to …