Japanese Sentence Patterns

  1. 【JLPT N1★ばそれまでだ (ba sore made da): if… then it’s o…

    Meaning: if… then it’s over (nothing will be of use)(If something occurs, then…

  2. 【JLPT N1★ばこそ (ba koso): only because】

    Meaning: only becauseFormation:Verb-ばconditional + こそNoun/なadj + であればこそ…

  3. 【JLPT N1★あっての (atte no): to owe everything to】 

    Meaning: which owes everything to; which can exist solely due to the presence of…

  4. 【JLPT N1★場合によっては (baai ni yotte wa): depending on …

    Meaning: in some casesFormation:場合によっては + phrase日本語 / にほんご / Japanese(1) 場…

  5. 【JLPT N1★あらかじめ (arakajime): beforehand, in advance…

    Meaning: beforehand; in advance; previouslyFormation:あらかじめ + Verb-casual, …

  6. 【JLPT N1★案の定 (an no jou): just as one thought】 

    Meaning: just as one thought; sure enoughFormation:案の定 + phrase日本語 / にほんご /…

  7. 【JLPT N1★あくまでも (akumade mo) “absolutely̶…

    Meaning: to the end; persistently; absolutely; thoroughnessFormation:あくまでも…

  8. 【JLPT N1★あえて (aete) “deliberately”】

    Meaning: dare to; daringly; deliberatelyFormation:あえて + action日本語 / にほんご / …

  9. 【JLPT N2★ずに済む (zu ni sumu): get by without doing s…

    Meaning: get by without doing…Formation:Verb-ないform (ーない) + ずに済む/ないで済む/なくて…

  10. 【JLPT N2★ざるを得ない (zaru o enai): can’t help doing, h…

    Meaning: cannot help (doing); have no choice but toFormation:Verb-ないform (…

  11. 【JLPT N2★要するに (you suru ni): the point is】 

    Meaning: the point is…; in short…; to put it simplyFormation:要するに + phrase…

  12. 【JLPT N2★ようがない/ようもない (you ga nai/you mo nai): ther…

    Meaning: there is no way to; it’s impossible toFormation:Verb-masu-stem + …

  13. 【JLPT N2★ようでは (you dewa): if】 

    Meaning: ifFormation:Verb-casual + ようでは + 日本語 / にほんご / Japanese(1) 雪が降り続くよ…

  14. 【JLPT N2★よりほかない (yori hoka nai): to have no choice…

    Meaning: to have no choice butFormation:Verb-casual + (より)ほか(は)ない/(より)ほかしか…

  15. 【JLPT N2★やら~やら (yara~yara): such things as】 

    Meaning: such things as; and… and so onFormation:Verb-dictionary form + やら…

  16. 【JLPT N2★やがて (yagate): soon, before long, eventual…

    Meaning: before long; soon; almost; eventuallyFormation:やがて + phrase&n…

  17. 【JLPT N2★わずかに (wazuka ni): slightly】 

    Meaning: slightlyFormation:わずかに + Phrase日本語 / にほんご / Japanes…

  18. 【JLPT N2★はともかく (wa tomokaku): whether or not】 

    Meaning: whether or not; nevermind; regardless of; not to mentionFormation:…

  19. 【JLPT N2★はもとより (wa moto yori): also, let alone】 

    Meaning: also; let aloneFormation:Noun + はもとより/はもちろん + Noun日…

  20. 【JLPT N2★は別として (wa betsu to shite): aside from】 

    Meaning: aside from; apart from; except for; whether or notFormation:Noun …

  1. Japanese Sentence Patterns

    【JLPT N1★ばこそ (ba koso): only because】
  2. Japanese Sentence Patterns

    【JLPT N3★にかけて (ni kakete): over (a perio…
  3. Expressions by Scene

    【Expressions by Scene★ at Restaurant】
  4. Noboru's Journal

    I finished reading “IQ84”
  5. Noboru's Journal

    I once was a protagonist in a play.