Noboru's Journal

I Hate to Say “busy”

One word which I almost never say or write is “busy.”(although now I’m writing…hahaha )

I used to say “busy” many times. However, when I kept saying busy, it made me feel really busy. That was a quite uncomfortable situation. I hated it.

Then, I asked myself, “Am I seriously busy?” Another myself answered, “Not at all! Only the word makes me feel busy. I’m not busy. I can handle many things if I don’t say “busy” so often!”


After that, I stopped saying and writing “b usy.”
Then, I became more effective at my job. Also, I stopped working overtime every day. I came to feel the serenity of mind. Therefore, I believe that we make business in our mind by ourselves with using the short word.

That’s why I don’t say busy or hate to say busy.

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  1. I’ll make sure to never say busy again.

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