Archive for the ‘ noboru ’

  1. Learning Japanese

    How to Talk About Your Hobbies in Japanese

    Learning a new language is not just about mastering grammar and vocabulary; it's…

  2. Learning Japanese

    Tips for Self-Introduction in Japanese

    Self-introduction is fundamental to Japanese language learning. From greetings t…

  3. Japanese Sentence Patterns

    New Book: Become a Japanese Speaking Master: Strat…

    Become a Japanese Speaking Master: Strategies for Fluency…

  4. Japanese Sentence Patterns

    New Book “Japanese Short Stories & Essa…

    The new book is now available in ebook and picture paperback editions, and is cu…

  5. Japanese Sentence Patterns

    Free Report: How to Speak Japanese: The Faster Way…

    How to Speak Japanese: The Faster Way to Learn JapaneseYou can downloa…

  6. Japanese Sentence Patterns

    【何となく(nan to naku), “somehow”】

    Meaning:somehow, somewhat, sort of(kinda), without knowing whyFormation :なんと…

  7. Japanese Sentence Patterns

    【だと(dato) conjunction】

    Meaning:that (conjunction)Formation :S+V だと(S+) Vnoun + だとna adj + だと日本…

  8. Japanese Sentence Patterns

    Language is Like Sports | Speak Like David | Engli……

  9. Japanese Sentence Patterns

    Japanese “Question” Sentence Patterns: Training Bo…

    I published a new book titled Japanese “Question” Sentence Patterns: Trainin…

  10. Japanese Sentence Patterns

    It has been 3 years since I published the Japane…

    It has been approximately 3 years  since I  published the” Japanese Sentence Pat…

  11. Japanese Sentence Patterns

    Introduction: Japanese Sentence Patterns Book Seri……

  12. Learning Japanese

    Let’s learn Hiragana ひらがな

    Hiragana list to rememberHiragana list to checkHiragana Mnemonicshttp://…

  13. Learning Japanese

    Let’s learn katakanaカタカナ

    The most common use of katakana is to transcribe foreign words (non-Japanese wor…

  14. Japanese Sentence Patterns

    Japanese Sentence Patterns for JLPT N2 : Training …

    Japanese Sentence Patterns for JLPT N2 : Training Book Vo.2There are more t…

  15. Japanese Sentence Patterns

    Japanese Sentence Patterns for JLPT N1 : Training …

    Published"Japanese Sentence Patterns for JLPT N1 : Training Book"https://w…

  16. Japanese Sentence Patterns

    Japanese Sentence Patterns for JLPT N2 : Training …

    Japanese Sentence Patterns for JLPT N2 : Training Book Vo.1…

  17. Learning Japanese

    Japanese Podcasts for Japanese learners

    福岡市「やさしい日本語」ラジオ講座itunesitunes飯田浩司のOK! Cozy up!itunes…

  18. Japanese Sentence Patterns

    Tofugu introduced the Japanese sentence patterns b…

    Tofugu- A famous Japanese Culture & Language Blog- introduced the Japanese s…

  19. Japanese Sentence Patterns

    Paperbacks for JLPT N4&N5 are available!

    Though all my textbooks for Japanese learners had been provided only as ebooks f…

  20. Japanese Sentence Patterns

    Published “Japanese Sentence Pattern Training Book…

    I published the fourth Japanese language textbook. This is the textbook for prac…

  1. Japanese Sentence Patterns

    【JLPT N4★ということ (to iu koto): (changes a …
  2. Japanese Sentence Patterns

    【JLPT N3★っぽい (ppoi): -ish, -like】 
  3. Japanese Sentence Patterns

    【Question★ありますか/ いますか(arimasuka/imasuka)…
  4. Japanese Sentence Patterns

    【JLPT N3★ということだ (to iu koto da): I’ve he…
  5. Japanese Sentence Patterns

    【JLPT N1★とは (towa): [indicates word or p…