Japanese Sentence Patterns

【JLPT N4★Humble form “to do something (honorific)”】

謙譲語(けんじょうご/kenjougo) is the language used to show humility when you speak about yourself. In this case, you’ll only use 謙譲語 when speaking about yourself or those in your “inner circle,” such as close family or friends. Of course, you would never use 謙譲語 when talking about others, especially if they’re in a higher social position than you.

Mind Your Manners! The Polite Learner’s Guide to Japanese Keigo

日本語 / にほんご / Japanese

英語 / えいご / English
(1)I will see the analysis data on sales in the afternoon,
(2)I heard that Ota manager will retire next month.
(3)I got a souvenir from a customer yesterday.
(4)I would like to meet President Yamauchi at the office next week
(5)I think that President Johnson will travel on business tomorrow.

ひらがな / Hiragana

ローマ字 / Roman letters
(1) Gogo, uriage ni kansuru bunseki dēta o mimasu/ haiken shimasu.
(2) Ōta buchō ga raigetsu, taishoku suru to kikimashita/ ukagaimashita.
(3) Kinō, okyakusama ni omiyage o moraimashita/ itadakimashita.
(4) Ofisu de Yamauchi shachō ni raishū, aitaidesu/ omenikakaritaidesu.
(5) Jonson shachō wa ashita, shutchō ni iku to watashi wa omoimasu/ zonjimasu.

For Your infomation
Polite Japanese 敬語

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