Archive for the ‘ noboru ’

  1. Japanese Sentence Patterns

    【JLPT N3★きり (kiri): only, just】 

    Meaning: only, just, since, afterFormation:Noun + きり/っきりVerb-casual + きり…

  2. Japanese Sentence Patterns

    【JLPT N3★切れない (kirenai) “being too much to f…

    Meaning: not be able to finish doing something (because there is too much/ther…

  3. Japanese Sentence Patterns

    【JLPT N3★切る (kiru): to do something completely to …

    Meaning: to do something completely to the endFormation:Verb-stem + 切る/切れる…

  4. Japanese Sentence Patterns

    【JLPT N3★決して~ない (kesshite ~ nai)”never, by n…

    Meaning: never; by no means; not in the least; in no wayFormation:決して+ Nou…

  5. Japanese Sentence Patterns

    【JLPT N3★っけ (kke): “what is… again?”】

    Meaning: what is… again?We use particle っけ to indicate that the speaker is t…

  6. Japanese Sentence Patterns

    【JLPT N3★ 代わりに (kawari ni)” instead of, in e…

    Meaning: instead of, in exchange forFormation:Noun + の代わりにVerb-casual + 代わりに…

  7. Japanese Sentence Patterns

    【JLPT N3★から言うと (kara iu to) “in terms of, f…

    Meaning: in terms of; from the point of view ofFormation:Noun + から言うと/から言え…

  8. Japanese Sentence Patterns

    【JLPT N3★ かけ (kake) “half-, not yet finishe…

    Meaning: half-; not yet finished; in the middle ofFormation:Verb-stem + かけだ/か…

  9. Japanese Sentence Patterns

    【JLPT N3★一方で (ippou de) “while, but also~at …

    Meaning: but also ~ at the same time, whileFormation:Verb-dictionary form …

  10. Japanese Sentence Patterns

    【JLPT N3★ 一方だ (ippou da) “more and more, con…

    Meaning: more and more, continue toshows something continuing towards a certai…

  11. Japanese Sentence Patterns

    【JLPT N3★いくら~ても (ikura ~ temo): “no matter …

    Meaning: no matter howFormation:いくら + Verb-てform + もいくら + Noun + でもいくら…

  12. Japanese Sentence Patterns

    【JLPT N3★ ほど~ない (hodo ~ nai) “is not as… as&…

    Meaning: is not as… asFormation:Noun 1 + ほど + Noun 2 + はないNoun 1 + は + N…

  13. Japanese Sentence Patterns

    【JLPT N3★ ほど (hodo) : the more, to the extent that…

    Meaning: to the extent that, so much… that; the moreFormation:Verb-casual + ほ…

  14. Japanese Sentence Patterns

    【JLPT N3★気味 (gimi) “a touch of-, a little-&#…

    Meaning: a touch of-, a little-,-like,-looking,be apt to-This expression is ma…

  15. Japanese Sentence Patterns

    【JLPT N3★がたい (gatai) “hard to, difficult to…

    Meaning: hard to, difficult to(Implies that something is so difficult that i…

  16. Japanese Sentence Patterns

    【JLPT N3★がち (gachi) : apt to do, tend to do】

    Meaning: apt to do, tend to doFormation:Verb-stem + がちだNoun + がちだ&nb…

  17. Japanese Sentence Patterns

    【JLPT N3★ふりをする (furi o suru) “to pretend, to…

    Meaning: to pretend, to act as ifFormation:Verb-casual + ふりをするNoun + のふり…

  18. Japanese Sentence Patterns

    【JLPT N3★どんなに~ても (donna ni~temo) “no matter …

    Meaning: no matter howFormation:どんなに + Verb-てform + もどんなに + Noun + でもどんなに +…

  19. Japanese Sentence Patterns

    【JLPT N3★どころか (dokoroka) “far from A”】…

    Meaning: far from A, in fact B; not just; evenFORMATION:Verb-dictionary form …

  20. Japanese Sentence Patterns

    【JLPT N3★だらけ (darake) ” full of”】

    Meaning: covered all over in, full of(often has negative connotations.)For…

  1. JLPT N5

    【JLPT N5★だれがいちばん…のか。”Who is the most….?”…
  2. Japanese Sentence Patterns

    【JLPT N2★上 (jou): from the standpoint of…
  3. Japanese Sentence Patterns

    【Question★何で(nan de): by what】
  4. Japanese Sentence Patterns

    【Question★知っていますか(shitte imasuka)+ ̶…
  5. Japanese Sentence Patterns

    【JLPT N4★てよかった (te yokatta): I’m glad th…