Japanese Sentence Patterns

【JLPT N2★だけあって (dake atte) “being the case, precisely because “】

Meaning: …being the case; (precisely) because; as might be expected from

Verb-casual + だけあって
Noun + だけあって
いadj + だけあって
なadj + なだけあって


日本語 / にほんご / Japanese


英語 / えいご / English
(1)Since he’s a sport athlete, he’s muscular.
(2)Since he is the great scholar, he answered the question easily.
(3)As expected of a woman who went to art school, she draws well.
(4)He used to live in Australia so he knows a lot about this country.
(5)That restaurant has a good reputation, and as expected the food and service was great.


ひらがな / Hiragana
(4)かれはいぜん おーすとらりあにすんでいただけあって、さすがにこのくにのことをよくしっている/しっています。


ローマ字 / Roman letters
(1) Kare wa su po ̄tsu no senshyu dakeatte, kin ni kushitsuda/ kin ni kushitsudesu.
(2) Sasuga ni idai nagaku shya dakeatte, kare wa sono toi ni kanta n ni kotaeta/ kotaemashita.
(3) Kanojyoha, bijiyutsugakkou wo detadake atte, e ga jōzu da/ jōzu desu.
(4) Kare wa izen o ̄ su torari ani sunde itadake atte, sasuga ni kono kuni no koto o yoku shitte iru/ shitte imasu.
(5) Sasuga hyouban’no resutoran dakeatte ryouri mo sa ̄ bisu mo subarashikatta/ subarashikattadesu.

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