Japanese Sentence Patterns

Japanese Sentence Patterns for JLPT N2 : Training Book Vo.1(paperback) was published

Japanese Sentence Patterns for JLPT N2 : Training Book Vo.1


There are more than 200 sentence patterns in JLPT N2. If I put all the sentence patterns together into one book, it would be more than 600 pages. It would be like a dictionary. Therefore, I needed to divide into two books(two volumes). Vol.2 will be available by the end of February at the latest.



日本語能力試験のN2には200以上の表現パターンがあります。 すべての表現パターンを1冊の本にまとめると、600ページを越え、辞書のようになってしまいます。 そこで、Volume1とVolume2 に分けました。今回はVol.1。 Vol.2は遅くとも2月末までには出版できるかと思います。

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