Archive for the ‘ noboru ’

  1. Noboru's Journal

    Finally Launched the New Website.

    Let me talk a bit about my job.When I decided to join my present company, I …

  2. JLPT N5

    【JLPT N5★ Negative Nounsではない(dewanai)”is not…

    Negative for nouns (and adjectives)For nouns ( and na-adjectives): Attach 「ではない…

  3. JLPT N5

    【JLPT N5★ ~がある(gaaru)、~がいる(gairu) describing the e…

    がある (gaaru): there is (used for non-living things)がいる (gairu): there is (used f…

  4. JLPT N5

    【JLPT N5★午前9時5分です。It’s 9:05AM.】

    日本語 / にほんご / Japanese(1)午前9時5分です。(2)午前8時10分です。(3)午前11時26分です。(4)お昼の12時です。(5)…

  5. Noboru's Journal

    I finished reading “IQ84”

    I read "IQ84" written by Haruki Murakami, one of my favorite authors, in my comm…

  6. JLPT N5

    【JLPT N5★今、何時ですか? ima nannji desuka ”what time is …

    Meaning: What time is it now?Formation:今、何時ですか?日本語 / にほんご / Japanesese(1)今…

  7. Noboru's Journal

    Shoes Problem

    In the morning I was heading for out to the nearest station from my house. It u…

  8. Japanese Sentence Patterns



  9. Noboru's Journal

    I enjoy a variety of ethnic foods

    I enjoy a variety of ethnic foods. One of the best ethnic food is Mexican for to…

  10. JLPT N5

    【JLPT N5★ …はどこですか…wa doko desuka (Where is…?)】

    Learn Japanese with JapanesePod101.comMeaning: Where is…?Formation:(place)…

  11. JLPT N5

    【JLPT N5★ これはいくらですか? Kore wa ikura desu ka? (How m…

    これはいくらですか? Kore wa ikura desu ka? You use this when you want to ask how much so…

  12. Noboru's Journal

    お台場  過去と近い未来のこと


  13. Noboru's English sentences Patterns

    接続詞「as far as」の意味:「程度・範囲の限度」

    接続詞「as far as」の意味は、「程度・範囲の限度」で、「...する限り」と訳されます。考え、記憶、知識、意見、視野に限定して使われることがほとんどです…

  14. JLPT N5

    【JLPT N5★Question marker か ka】

    【JLPT N5★Question marker か ka】か(Ka) makes questions, both plain and polite. It…

  15. JLPT N5

    【JLPT N5★だ / です (da / desu) ” to be” (…

    【JLPT N5★だ / です (da / desu): to be (copula)"】Meaning: to be (copula)Formation…

  16. JLPT N5

    【JLPT N5★The Topic Marker は “wa”】

    The topic can be anything that a speaker wants to talk about. A topic marker is …

  17. JLPT N5

    【JLPT N5★の (no) – 1: of (possessive particle)】

    Meaning: of / possessive particle (indicates possessive)When の is placed betwe…

  18. JLPT N5

    【JLPT N5★ わたしのAはBです。 My A is B.】

    わたしのAはBです。      My A is B.Watasi no A wa B desu.日本語 / にほんご / Japanese(1)私の名…

  19. Noboru's Journal

    Finally Ready for a Press Release

    One of the creative teams in my company won the bronze by the campaign called "C…

  20. Noboru's Journal

    New Owned Media Project

    I heard that some colleagues were discussing considering launching a newly owned…

  1. Japanese Sentence Patterns

    【JLPT N4★それでも (sore demo): but still, an…
  2. Noboru's Journal

    Fighting with Cold
  3. Japanese Sentence Patterns

    【Question★誰の(dare no)”whose”…
  4. Japanese Sentence Patterns

    【JLPT N4★ていただけませんか (te itadakemasen ka)&…
  5. Japanese Sentence Patterns

    【JLPT N1★だに (dani): even】