【JLPT N5★ わたしのAはBです。 My A is B.】

わたしABです。      My A is B.

Watasi no A wa B desu.

日本語 / にほんご / Japanese
(1)私名前 クリスです。

(1)My name is Chris.
(2)My name is Michelle.
(3)My hobby is Karate.
(4)My hobby is traveling.
(5)My hobby is karaoke.
(6) My hobby is reading books.
(7) My job is a teacher.

Roman Alphabet
(1)Watasi no namae wa kurisu desu.
(2)Watasi no namae wa Michelle desu.
(3)Watasi no syumi wa karate desu.
(4)Watasi no syumi wa ryokô desu.
(5)Watasi no syumi wa karaoke desu.
(6)Watasi no syumi wa dokusyo desu.
(7)Watasi no sigoto wa kyôshi desu.

ひらがな / hiragana
(1)わたしの なまえは くりす です。
(2)わたしの なまえは みっしぇる です。
(3)わたしの しゅみは からて です。
(4)わたしの しゅみは りょこうです。
(5)わたしの しゅみは からおけ です。
(6)わたしの しゅみは どくしょ です。
(7)わたしの しごとは きょうし です。

no (の) particle

When you want to say “my name” or “his friend” how will you say it in Japanese?  In order to complete this exercise you’ll need to know the Japanese possessive called no ().  Take a look at this sentence: watashi no namae (わたし の なまえ).  Notice that the no () goes between the word watashi (わたし) and namae (なまえ).  Watashi (わたし) means “I” while namae (なまえ) means “name”.  Since the no () possessive is after the watashi (わたし), you know that the person who is doing the possession is “I”.  So in English this would change to the word “my”.  Altogether the sentence watashi no namae (わたし の なまえ) means “my name”.

Japanese Language Blog

wa (は) particle

The particle は – wa indicates the main topic of a sentence. In English it would be similar to starting a sentence with “as for…”. Most of the times the main topic of the sentence is identical to what is called the subject in English.



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    • Jim Min Wong
    • November 12th, 2016


    • noboru
      • Noboru A.
      • November 12th, 2016

      Hi Jim-san,

      That’s no problem at all. It’s natural.

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