Learning Japanese

Great articles for Japanese learners

The Surprisingly Simple Logic Behind Japanese Sentence Structure 

The truth is, Japanese sentence structure is actually incredibly logical, and a solid understanding of it will save you a huge amount of time trying to make sense of Japanese grammar.

80/20 Japanese

Does reading out loud cause you to remember things better?

when learning a new language, it is crucial to speak out loud in addition reading from a textbook. We have always emphasized reading (and even singing) as a good tool for improving one’s accent and for general practice of the language. However, reading material out loud can also be an effective strategy to remember things.
Brainscape Blog

To Remember More, Read Out Loud (to Someone)

Producing words yourself creates additional pathways to long-term memory, by making those words distinctive. In other words, by reading the information out loud, it stands out. Neuroscientists suggest speaking the words creates a “distinctive encoding record” in long-term memory.

Memory Improvement Tips

Does reading out loud improve your speaking skill?

– you remember better when you read and speak out loud, and
– your oral muscles remember how to form the sounds and speaking becomes easier.
And when language learners read out loud, speaking becomes easier and their speaking skills improve.

Have You Ever Thought About Your MOUTH As a MUSCLE?
If you’re really serious about your ORAL FLUENCY, you need to get your mouth involved in every English learning-related activity (loud reading, doing role-plays with yourself following listening practice etc.) because your mouth is going to retain a lot of that English content at a purely motoric level!

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