Japanese Sentence Patterns

  1. 【JLPT N3★ずに (zuni): without doing】 

    Meaning: without doingFormation:Verb-ないform (remove ない) + ず(に)…

  2. 【JLPT N3★ようとしない (you to shinai): not try to, not m…

    Meaning: to not try to, to not try to make an effort toSomeone other than sp…

  3. 【JLPT N3★ようとする (you to suru)  ”try to, be ab…

    Meaning:try to, be about toFormation:Verb-volitional* + うとする*done intentio…

  4. 【JLPT N3★ように (you ni): in order to, so that】

    Meaning: in order to; so that; to intend to make things work as you hopeForm…

  5. 【JLPT N3★ような気がする (you na ki ga suru) “have a…

    Meaning: have a feeling that…, think that…Formation:Verb-casual + (ような)気がするN…

  6. 【JLPT N3★わりに (wari ni): considering, although, rat…

    Meaning: although, rather, unexpectedlyYou use わりに to talk about an unexpect…

  7. 【JLPT N3★わけにはいかない (wake niwa ikanai): must not, ca…

    Meaning 1: must not, cannot afford to, can’t very wellMeaning 2: must, have no …

  8. 【JLPT N3★わけがない (wake ga nai): there is no way that…

    Meaning: there is no way that…Formation:Verb-dictionary form + わけがないVerb…

  9. 【JLPT N3★わけではない (wake dewa nai): it doesn’t mean t…

    Meaning: it doesn’t mean that; it is not the case that; I don’t mean that; it is…

  10. 【JLPT N3★わけだ (wake da): for that reason, no wonder…

    Meaning: the fact is, for that reason, as you’d expect, as you know,no wonder…

  11. 【JLPT N3★上で (ue de): after】 

    Meaning 1: afterMeaning 2: when, for, in order toFormation:Verb-casual, …

  12. 【JLPT N3★うちに (uchi ni): while, before, doing】 

    Meaning: while, before, duringFormation:Verb-dictionary form + うちにVerb-てform…

  13. 【JLPT N3★と共に (to tomo ni): together with】 

    Meaning: together withFormation:Verb-dict.form + と共にNoun + と共にいadj + と…

  14. 【JLPT N3★つまり (tsumari): in other words; that is to…

    Meaning: in other words; that is to sayFormation:Phrase 1 + つまり + phrase 2&…

  15. 【JLPT N3★ついでに (tsuide ni): while you are at it, on…

    Meaning: while (you) are at it; on the occasion; taking the opportunityForma…

  16. 【JLPT N3★~とは限らない (towa kagiranai):not always, not…

    Meaning: not always, not necessarilyFormation:(かならずしも) + Verb-casual + とは限…

  17. 【JLPT N3★として (to shite): as (i.e. in the role of)】…

    Meaning: as (i.e. in the role of)Formation:Noun + として日本語 / にほんご / Japanese…

  18. 【JLPT N3★としたら / とすれば (to shitara / to sureba): if …

    Meaning: if it were the case that…, if we assume…Formation:Verb-casual + と…

  19. 【JLPT N3★とおり (toori): in the way, the same as】 

    Meaning: in the way…, the same as…Formation:Verb-dictionary form + とおりVe…

  20. 【JLPT N3★ところが (tokoro ga): even so, however, even …

    Meaning: even so, however, even thoughFormation:Expectation + ところが + resul…

  1. Japanese Sentence Patterns

    【JLPT N2★そうにない (sou ni nai): extremely u…
  2. Japanese Sentence Patterns

    【JLPT N1★あっての (atte no): to owe everythi…
  3. JLPT N4

    【JLPT N4★お~する (o ni suru) “to do somethi…
  4. Japanese Sentence Patterns

    【JLPT N1★始末だ (shimatsu da): end up, in t…
  5. Japanese Sentence Patterns

    【JLPT N2★果たして (hatashite): sure enough, …